TV3 news
We appeared on the most viewed news show in Catalonia talking about augmented reality as evolution of QR codes.
link“Generació Digital” in CANAL 33
We were interviewed by “Generació Digital” show. We explained how we see augmented reality future and present.
“El matí a quatre bandes” of RNE4
We were interviewed in this RNE4 radio program on september 21th, 2012. We explained our technology and projects developed.
“La Twitertulia”, ONDA CERO
We were interviewed in this radio show on July 10th 2012.
El Periódico
Pangea Reality and our Augmented Reality in the newspaper El Periódico.
linkRevista iCandela
Interview in iCandela Magazine on how augmented reality can help business.
enlaceDT ON: Mundo Virtual
Augmented Reality or Fiction? We answer this question in an interview for DT ON magazine.
enlaceVia Empresa
Printed Electronics, Augmented Reality and Internet of Things (IoT) are the future investments of great potential for entrepreneurs.